You have this dream of being a choreographer but at the moment, it just seems too much. Too many things to do, too many areas to concentrate on and no idea where to really start. Don’t worry, we have some top tips for you to help you get on the right path.
Focus on one section at a time
It is tempting to dive into a whole range of things and try to master them all at once. But the best choreographers out there focus on one section at a time. When they can see that perfect move or a winning combination, then they move to the next section. Or you can practice ‘chunking’ where the piece is cut into smaller sections and worked on one a day.
Develop a complete understanding of the music
Learning the music you are using is about more than being able to sing most of the words. You need to understand the song completely. That means the lyrics but also the beats, the layers of sound in it, everything. The better you know the song, the better you can choreograph the dance for it.
Use all parts of the music
It is common to get stuck in following a particular layer of the music to choreograph. The bass is a classic. But don’t be afraid to use all parts of the music and follow a different thread. Can you use the pitch? Or maybe the lyrics themselves can inspire the dance? This can create something new and unique.
Don’t be afraid to be yourself
Like everything, dance has trends that come along and everyone loves. But they often go away again just as quickly. If a trend is just perfect for your style, then embrace it. Above all, though, you need to be yourself and not feel you have to follow trends or styles to fulfil someone else’s view of what you should create. Tell your story in your own way.
Try out those weird moves
Sometimes you’ll choreograph something and it feels a little strange, a little off. But don’t discount that completely. Work with those weird moves to see if there’s a way of making it feel more natural or whether being weird is exactly what is needed for that particular section. Remember, being different is good!
Create a character
One fun way to choreograph is to create a character in your head for every piece. Then ask what emotions are they feeling during the dance? What is their mood, their motive for what’s happening, their personality? This can help you picture how the piece should work and add that emotional content to it.
Plan your time and your breaks
To be successful, you need to have time to work on your piece and create it. But you also need to have breaks in your plan or you risk burning out. So creating both the time to work and the breaks within that time are crucial steps to success as a choreographer – and to have a long and successful career.